Signed in as:
Signed in as:
(Revised and agreed by the AGM at Guildford , 14 April 2000. Last amended at the AGM in Åarhus, 14 September 2008)
1. The name of the Association shall be the Association for Environmental Archaeology.
2. The object of the Association is the advancement of the study of human interaction with the environment in the past through archaeology and related disciplines. In furtherance of this object, but not otherwise, the Association shall have the powers to hold meetings, to publish volumes of collected papers and to do all such other things as will further the objects of the Association.
3. Membership of the Association shall be open to all those actively involved in the study of human interaction with the environment in the past through archaeology and related disciplines.
4. The first annual subscription shall be paid by Members on joining the Association and thereafter on 1 January each year.
5. An Annual General Meeting will normally be held in March or April (or on such a date that is agreed by the Managing Committee and the Conference organisers). The agenda for the meeting shall be distributed to Members in the last newsletter published before the Annual General Meeting.
6. A Special General Meeting may be called at any time by the Managing Committee or by any ten members of the Association on application to the Managing Committee. Not less than thirty days notice of the date and purpose of such a meeting shall be given to the Members and no business shall be considered at such a meeting other than that for which it was convened.
7. At Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings twenty members shall form a quorum.
8. Each member of the Association who is present at a General Meeting shall have one vote. A Member who cannot be present at a Meeting may appoint another Member to vote for them; a signed statement appointing a proxy must be given to a Committee member before the General meeting to which it applies, and must be renewed for any further meetings.
9. The amount of the annual subscription can only be changed by vote of the membership.
10. The affairs of the Association shall be handled by a Management Committee which shall include twelve ordinary elected members, two student representative elected members, and an elected Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
11. Three ordinary members of the Managing Committee and one student representative member shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting. Candidates for election must be Members of the Association and can be nominated by any Member of the Association. Nominations must be submitted to a member of the Managing Committee not later than the beginning of the Annual General Meeting. Elected ordinary members of the Managing Committee will normally serve until the fourth Annual General Meeting after the one at which they were elected and may not immediately stand for re-election, with the exception as given in clause 12. Elected student representative members of the Managing Committee will normally serve until the second Annual General Meeting after the one at which they were elected and may not immediately stand for re-election.
12. The Chair, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting from the membership. Candidates for election must be members of the Association, and can be nominated by any member of the Association. Nominations must be given to a member of the Managing Committee no later than the beginning of the AGM. The Chair, Secretary and Treasurer will normally serve until the fourth Annual General Meeting after the one at which they were elected. An outgoing ordinary committee member may be elected as Chair, Secretary or Treasurer.
13. The Managing Committee may co-opt up to six members who may serve as membership secretary, a representative of the journal editorship, a representative of the editorship of the Newsletter and a manager of the JISC-mail list until such time as they resign or are replaced by the Managing Committee. The Committee will review co-opted members annually, normally at the AGM or the first meeting after.
14. The Managing Committee shall have the power to co-opt to fill any vacancies that may arise in the Managing Committee until the next Annual General Meeting.
15. At meetings of the Managing Committee six members, of whom at least two must be elected members, shall form a quorum.
16. The Managing Committee shall receive and keep account of all monies of the Association. They shall produce accounts for each year ending 31 December, and submit these to the next Annual General Meeting. All monies received for the Association shall be paid into such banks as the Managing Committee shall appoint.
17. The Managing Committee shall have the power to nominate to Honorary Membership of the Association such persons as they consider to have made a major contribution towards the aims of the Association. Honorary Members shall enjoy all rights of Membership without payment of any membership subscription